No Description

Hammad Khalid 802ad6c735 Fix test name to update instead of delete (delete is already there) 10 years ago
bin 1dbff64899 CLI 14 years ago
lib bb8e6122dd Raise a useful error when trying to activate_session with nil 10 years ago
test 802ad6c735 Fix test name to update instead of delete (delete is already there) 10 years ago
.document 7abfc64cd1 Initial commit to shopify_api. 15 years ago
.gitignore 9acdbc6e3e Add .travis.yml for multi-testing and notifications to flowdock and fix URL encoding difference in ActiveSupport 3.0 11 years ago
.travis.yml d082f181dc update .travis.yml 11 years ago
CHANGELOG 2035fdf32d packaging for release 3.2.3 11 years ago
CONTRIBUTORS c4feb5276a Moved attribution to a seperate file to avoid cluttering the code. 13 years ago
Gemfile 9ea48e56a7 Gemfile specific 4.x activeresource 11 years ago
Gemfile.lock 5e7313865e Add ability to launch pry in the CLI 11 years ago
Gemfile_ar30 9acdbc6e3e Add .travis.yml for multi-testing and notifications to flowdock and fix URL encoding difference in ActiveSupport 3.0 11 years ago
Gemfile_ar31 9acdbc6e3e Add .travis.yml for multi-testing and notifications to flowdock and fix URL encoding difference in ActiveSupport 3.0 11 years ago
Gemfile_ar32 9acdbc6e3e Add .travis.yml for multi-testing and notifications to flowdock and fix URL encoding difference in ActiveSupport 3.0 11 years ago
Gemfile_ar40threadsafe fdf3305c88 use a Shopify version of ActiveResource, not peterjm's version 11 years ago
LICENSE 3c8b7a2cb2 Updated README and added most recent shopify_api.rb from Shopify. 15 years ago
README.rdoc 2a7db3a22b reference branch name, not ref SHA 11 years ago
RELEASING b11300a023 Include library versions in user-agent header. 13 years ago
Rakefile 58cbd92408 Add Gemfile and add bundler/gem_tasks to rake 11 years ago
shipit.rubygems.yml 8fb60a9e8a deploy using shipit default recipe 10 years ago
shopify_api.gemspec 443e14c37f Specify required version of pry 11 years ago


{Build Status}[]
= Shopify API

The Shopify API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section of Shopify stores.

The API is implemented as JSON over HTTP using all four verbs (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). Each resource, like Order, Product, or Collection, has its own URL and is manipulated in isolation. In other words, we’ve tried to make the API follow the REST principles as much as possible.

== Usage

=== Requirements

All API usage happens through Shopify applications, created by either shop owners for their own shops, or by Shopify Partners for use by other shop owners:

* Shop owners can create applications for themselves through their own admin:
* Shopify Partners create applications through their admin:

For more information and detailed documentation about the API visit

=== Installation

To easily install or upgrade to the latest release, use {gem}[]

gem install shopify_api

=== Getting Started

ShopifyAPI uses ActiveResource to communicate with the REST web service. ActiveResource has to be configured with a fully authorized URL of a particular store first. To obtain that URL you can follow these steps:

1. First create a new application in either the partners admin or your store admin. For a private App you'll need the API_KEY and the PASSWORD otherwise you'll need the API_KEY and SHARED_SECRET.

2. For a private App you just need to set the base site url as follows:

shop_url = "https://#{API_KEY}:#{PASSWORD}" = shop_url

That's it, you're done, skip to step 7 and start using the API!

For a partner app you will need to supply two parameters to the Session class before you instantiate it:

ShopifyAPI::Session.setup({:api_key => API_KEY, :secret => SHARED_SECRET})

3. In order to access a shop's data, apps need an access token from that specific shop. This is a two-stage process. Before interacting with a shop for the first time an app should redirect the user to the following URL:


with the following parameters:

* client_id – Required – The API key for your app
* scope – Required – The list of required scopes (explained here:
* redirect_uri – Optional – The URL that the merchant will be sent to once authentication is complete. Defaults to the URL specified in the application settings and must be the same host as that URL.

We've added the create_permision_url method to make this easier, first instantiate your session object:

session ="")

Then call:

scope = ["write_products"]
permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)

or if you want a custom redirect_uri:

permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope, "")

4. Once authorized, the shop redirects the owner to the return URL of your application with a parameter named 'code'. This is a temporary token that the app can exchange for a permanent access token. Make the following call:


with the following parameters:

* client_id – Required – The API key for your app
* client_secret – Required – The shared secret for your app
* code – Required – The token you received in step 3

and you'll get your permanent access token back in the response.

There is a method to make the request and get the token for you. Pass
all the params received from the previous call and the method will verify
the params, extract the temp code and then request your token:

token = session.request_token(params)

This method will save the token to the session object and return it. For future sessions simply pass the token in when creating the session object:

session ="", token)

5. The session must be activated before use:


6. Now you're ready to make authorized API requests to your shop! Data is returned as ActiveResource instances:

shop = ShopifyAPI::Shop.current

# Get a specific product
product = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(179761209)

# Create a new product
new_product =
new_product.title = "Burton Custom Freestlye 151"
new_product.product_type = "Snowboard"
new_product.vendor = "Burton"

# Update a product
product.handle = "burton-snowboard"

Alternatively, you can use #temp to initialize a Session and execute a command which also handles temporarily setting

products = ShopifyAPI::Session.temp("", token) { ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all) }

8. If you want to work with another shop, you'll first need to clear the session:


=== Console

This package also includes the +shopify+ executable to make it easy to open up an interactive console to use the API with a shop.

1. Obtain a private API key and password to use with your shop (step 2 in "Getting Started")

2. Use the +shopify+ script to save the credentials for the shop to quickly log in.

shopify add yourshopname

Follow the prompts for the shop domain, API key and password.

3. Start the console for the connection.

shopify console

4. To see the full list of commands, type:

shopify help

== Threadsafety

ActiveResource is inherently non-threadsafe, because class variables like
and ActiveResource::Base.headers are shared between threads. This can cause conflicts when using
threaded libraries, like Sidekiq.

We have a forked version of ActiveResource that stores these class variables in threadlocal
variables. Using this forked version will allow ShopifyAPI to be used in a threaded environment.

To enable threadsafety with ShopifyAPI, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'activeresource', git: 'git://', branch: 'threadsafe'
gem 'shopify_api', '>= 3.2.1'

== Using Development Version

Download the source code and run:

rake install

== Additional Resources <= Read the tech docs! <= Ask questions on the forums!

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2012 "Shopify inc.". See LICENSE for details.