class Users::OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController before_action :set_service before_action :set_user attr_reader :service, :user def facebook handle_auth "Facebook" end def twitter handle_auth "Twitter" end def github handle_auth "Github" end private def handle_auth(kind) if service.present? service.update(service_attrs) else end if user_signed_in? flash[:notice] = "Your #{kind} account was connected." redirect_to edit_user_registration_path else sign_in_and_redirect user, event: :authentication set_flash_message :notice, :success, kind: kind end end def auth request.env['omniauth.auth'] end def set_service @service = Service.where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first end def set_user if user_signed_in? @user = current_user elsif service.present? @user = service.user elsif User.where(email: # 5. User is logged out and they login to a new account which doesn't match their old one flash[:alert] = "An account with this email already exists. Please sign in with that account before connecting your #{auth.provider.titleize} account." redirect_to new_user_session_path else @user = create_user end end def service_attrs expires_at = auth.credentials.expires_at.present? ? : nil { provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid, expires_at: expires_at, access_token: auth.credentials.token, access_token_secret: auth.credentials.secret, } end def create_user User.create( email:, #name:, password: Devise.friendly_token[0,20] ) end end