.rubocop.yml 682 B

  1. inherit_gem:
  2. rubocop-shopify: rubocop.yml
  3. inherit_from:
  4. - .rubocop_todo.yml
  5. AllCops:
  6. TargetRubyVersion: 2.4
  7. Lint/SuppressedException:
  8. Exclude:
  9. # Warning on test setup, the exception is expected
  10. - 'test/test_helper.rb'
  11. Lint/MissingSuper:
  12. Exclude:
  13. # We explicitly do not want to call super here
  14. - 'lib/shopify_api/graphql/http_client.rb'
  15. Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName:
  16. Exclude:
  17. # This is an internal attribute and we want to make sure it's called _headers
  18. - 'lib/shopify_api/resources/base.rb'
  19. Naming/AccessorMethodName:
  20. Exclude:
  21. # This comes from activesupport, so we can't rename it
  22. - 'test/detailed_log_subscriber_test.rb'