1. == Version 4.2.2
  2. * Support for AccessToken#delegate endpoint
  3. == Version 4.2.1
  4. * Support for Users and Discounts (Shopify Plus only)
  5. * Adds Customer#account_activation_url method
  6. * Adds ability to open a fulfillment.
  7. == Version 4.2.0
  8. * Threadsafety is now compatible with the latest ActiveResource master
  9. == Version 4.1.1
  10. * Added explicit 90 second timeout to `ShopifyAPI::Base`
  11. == Version 4.0.7
  12. * Added `ShippingAPI::ShippingZone`
  13. == Version 4.0.6
  14. * Replaced `cancelled` with `expired` in `ShopifyAPI::ApplicationCharge`
  15. == Version 4.0.5
  16. * Added `pending`, `cancelled`, `accepted`, `declined` helper methods to `ShopifyAPI::ApplicationCharge`
  17. == Version 4.0.4
  18. * Fixed truthiness for order cancellations. Requests are now sent in the request body and as JSON
  19. == Version 4.0.3
  20. * Fixed hmac signature validation for params with delimiters (`&`, `=` or `%`)
  21. == Version 4.0.2
  22. * Verify that the shop domain is a subdomain of which creating the session
  23. == Version 4.0.1
  24. * Added `ShopifyAPI::OAuth.revoke` for easy token revocation.
  25. == Version 3.2.6
  26. * Fixed CustomerSavedSearch#customers method to now correctly return only relevant customers
  27. == Version 3.2.5
  28. * More useful error messages for activating nil sessions
  29. * Add tests for commonly deleted objects, and metafield tests, fix naming error in order_risk_test.rb
  30. == Version 3.2.4
  31. * No API changes
  32. == Version 3.2.3
  33. * Added pry to the CLI
  34. == Version 3.2.2
  35. * Temporary fix for the CLI
  36. * Add a specific exception for signature validation failures
  37. == Version 3.2.1
  38. * Added CarrierService resource
  39. * Added optionally using threadsafe ActiveResource (see readme)
  40. * Fixed bug in validate_signature
  41. == Version 3.2.0
  42. * in Session::request_token params is no longer optional, you must pass all the params and the method will now extract the code
  43. * Fixed JSON errors handling (#103)
  44. * Fixed compatibility with Ruby 2.1.x (#83)
  45. * Fixed getting parent ID from nested resources like Variants (#44)
  46. * Cleaned up compatibility with ActiveResource 4.0.x
  47. * Added OrderRisk resource
  48. * Added FulfillmentService resource
  49. * Removed discontinued ProductSearchEngine resource
  50. * Added convenience method Customer#search (#45)
  51. == Version 3.1.8
  52. * Expose `index` and `show` actions of `Location`
  53. * Added create_permission_url and request_token helper methods
  54. * Edited the readme to better describe the getting started procedure
  55. == Version 3.1.7
  56. * Expose `authors` and `tags` action on Article
  57. == Version 3.1.6
  58. * Add LineItem::Property resource
  59. == Version 3.1.5
  60. * Expose `orders` action on Customer
  61. == Version 3.1.3
  62. * Expose `complete` action on Fulfillment
  63. == Version 3.1.2
  64. * Includes port in domain URI (when other than http/80 or https/443)
  65. * Adds access to CustomerSavedSearch
  66. * Adds resources: Order::DefaultAddress, Client::ClientDetails, Announcement
  67. * Allows access to Articles without a blog_id
  68. * Moves encode and as_json overrides to ShopifyAPI::Base scope
  69. * Exposes the `order` action in SmartCollection for general use
  70. == Version 3.0.3
  71. * Add a `customers` helper method to the CustomerGroup resource
  72. == Version 3.0.2
  73. * Brevity in require statements
  74. == Version 3.0.1
  75. * Fix saving nested resources in ActiveResource 3.1+
  76. == Version 3.0.0
  77. * Added support for OAuth Authentication
  78. * Removal of support for Legacy Authentication
  79. * Added Cart resource
  80. == Version 2.3.0
  81. * Fix double root bug with ActiveSupport 3.2.0
  82. * Add metafields methods on Customer resource
  83. * Fix prefix_options on assets returned from Asset.find
  84. == Version 2.2.0
  85. * Fix issues with resources that have both direct and namespaced routes
  86. * Added detailed logger to help with debugging ActiveResource
  87. requests/responses
  88. * Add fulfillment#cancel
  89. == Version 2.1.0
  90. * Fix JSON errors handling
  91. * Remove global limit from ShopifyAPI::Limits
  92. == Version 2.0.0
  93. * Bump to 2.0.0 as this release breaks Rails 2 compatibility; we're now officially only supporting Rails 3. Rails 2 devs can follow the rails2 tag in this repo to know where we broke off
  94. * Refactored resources into their own source files
  95. * Added API limits functionality
  96. * Patched ActiveResource issue with roots in JSON
  97. * Added pending, cancelled, accepted, and declined convenience methods to ShopifyAPI::RecurringApplicationCharge
  98. * ShopifyAPI::Session#temp now available as a convenience method to support temporarily switching to other shops when making calls
  99. * Fixes to `shopify console` CLI tool
  100. == Version 1.2.5
  101. * Fix for Article#comments
  102. == Version 1.2.4
  103. * Added Article#comments
  104. * Added Order#cancel
  105. * Added Comment#restore, #not_spam
  106. == Version 1.2.3
  107. * Added Customer, CustomerGroup support
  108. == Version 1.2.2
  109. * Added ScriptTag support
  110. == Version 1.2.1
  111. * Allow abbreviated names for all commands like rails does, e.g. 'shopify c' instead of 'shopify console'
  112. * Fix Variant to support accessing both nested variants with a product prefix as well as top level variants directly
  113. * Add 'grande' to supported product image size variants
  114. == Version 1.2.0
  115. * Command-line interface
  116. * Allow custom params when fetching a single Asset
  117. == Version 1.1.3 (November 4, 2010)
  118. * Add ProductSearchEngines resource
  119. == Version 1.1.2 (October 20, 2010)
  120. * Fix for users of ActiveResource 3.x
  121. == Version 1.1.1 (October 5, 2010)
  122. * Remove hard coded xml formatting in API calls
  123. * Remove jeweler stuff
  124. * Ruby 1.9 encoding fix
  125. == Version 1.1.0 (September 24, 2010)
  126. * Add new Events API for Shop, Order, Product, CustomCollection, SmartCollection, Page, Blog and Article
  127. * Add new 'compact' product image size variant
  128. * Rails 3 fix: attribute_accessors has to be explicitly included since activesupport 3.0.0
  129. == Version 1.0.6
  130. * Add metafields
  131. * Add latest changes from Shopify including asset support, token validation and a common base class
  132. == Version 1.0.0
  133. * extracting ShopifyAPI from Shopify into Gem