require 'rubygems' require 'test/unit' require 'fakeweb' require 'mocha' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'shopify_api' FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false # setup ShopifyAPI with fake api_key and secret class Test::Unit::TestCase def self.test(string, &block) define_method("test:#{string}", &block) end def self.should(string, &block) self.test("should_#{string}", &block) end def self.context(string) yield end def setup ActiveResource::Base.format = :json ShopifyAPI.constants.each do |const| begin const = "ShopifyAPI::#{const}".constantize const.format = :json if const.respond_to?(:format=) rescue NameError end end = "http://localhost/admin" ShopifyAPI::Base.password = nil ShopifyAPI::Base.user = nil end def teardown FakeWeb.clean_registry end # Custom Assertions def assert_not(expression) assert_block("Expected <#{expression}> to be false!") { not expression } end def load_fixture(name, format=:json) + "/fixtures/#{name}.#{format}") end def fake(endpoint, options={}) body = options.has_key?(:body) ? options.delete(:body) : load_fixture(endpoint) format = options.delete(:format) || :json method = options.delete(:method) || :get extension = ".#{options.delete(:extension)||'json'}" unless options[:extension]==false url = "http://localhost/admin/#{endpoint}#{extension}" FakeWeb.register_uri(method, url, {:body => body, :status => 200, :content_type => "text/#{format}", :content_length => 1}.merge(options)) end end