Releasing ShopifyAPI 1. Check the Semantic Versioning page for info on how to version the new release: 2. Update the version of ShopifyAPI in shopify_api.gemspec 3. Add a CHANGELOG entry for the new release with the date (also include the updated date in shopify_api.gemspec) 4. Commit the changes with a commit message like "Packaging for release X.Y.Z" 5. Tag the release with the version (Leave REV blank for HEAD or provide a SHA) $ git tag vX.Y.Z REV 6. Push out the changes $ git push 7. Push out the tags $ git push --tags 8. Build the new .gem from the updated .gemspec $ gem build shopify_api.gemspec 9. Publish the Gem to gemcutter $ gem push shopify_api-X.Y.Z.gem