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Regenerated gemspec for version 1.0.6

Jesse Storimer 14 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 4 додано та 4 видалено
  1. 4 4

+ 4 - 4

@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.name = %q{shopify_api}
   s.name = %q{shopify_api}
-  s.version = "1.0.5"
+  s.version = "1.0.6"
   s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
   s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
   s.authors = ["Tobias L\303\274tke", "Cody Fauser", "Dennis Theisen"]
   s.authors = ["Tobias L\303\274tke", "Cody Fauser", "Dennis Theisen"]
-  s.date = %q{2010-01-28}
+  s.date = %q{2010-09-07}
   s.description = %q{= Shopify API
   s.description = %q{= Shopify API
 The Shopify API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section of Shopify stores.
 The Shopify API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section of Shopify stores.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2009 "JadedPixel inc.". See LICENSE for details.
   s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"]
   s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"]
   s.require_paths = ["lib"]
   s.require_paths = ["lib"]
   s.rubyforge_project = %q{shopify-api}
   s.rubyforge_project = %q{shopify-api}
-  s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.5}
+  s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.7}
   s.summary = %q{ShopifyAPI is a lightweight gem for accessing the Shopify admin REST web services}
   s.summary = %q{ShopifyAPI is a lightweight gem for accessing the Shopify admin REST web services}
   s.test_files = [
   s.test_files = [
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2009 "JadedPixel inc.". See LICENSE for details.
     current_version = Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
     current_version = Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
     s.specification_version = 3
     s.specification_version = 3
-    if Gem::Version.new(Gem::RubyGemsVersion) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then
+    if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.2.0') then
       s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<activeresource>, [">= 2.2.2"])
       s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<activeresource>, [">= 2.2.2"])
       s.add_dependency(%q<activeresource>, [">= 2.2.2"])
       s.add_dependency(%q<activeresource>, [">= 2.2.2"])