@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class FulFillmentTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ fake "orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046", :method => :get, :body => load_fixture('fulfillment')
+ end
+ context "Fulfillment" do
+ context "#complete" do
+ should "be able to complete fulfillment" do
+ fulfillment = ShopifyAPI::Fulfillment.find(255858046, :params => {:order_id => 450789469})
+ success = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(load_fixture('fulfillment'))
+ success['fulfillment']['status'] = 'success'
+ fake "orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046/complete", :method => :post, :body => ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(success)
+ assert_equal 'pending', fulfillment.status
+ assert fulfillment.complete
+ assert_equal 'success', fulfillment.status
+ end
+ end
+ context "#cancel" do
+ should "be able to cancel fulfillment" do
+ fulfillment = ShopifyAPI::Fulfillment.find(255858046, :params => {:order_id => 450789469})
+ cancelled = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(load_fixture('fulfillment'))
+ cancelled['fulfillment']['status'] = 'cancelled'
+ fake "orders/450789469/fulfillments/255858046/cancel", :method => :post, :body => ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(cancelled)
+ assert_equal 'pending', fulfillment.status
+ assert fulfillment.cancel
+ assert_equal 'cancelled', fulfillment.status
+ end
+ end
+ end