@@ -2,198 +2,205 @@ require 'test_helper'
class SessionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- context "Session" do
- should "not be valid without a url" do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new(nil, "any-token")
- assert_not session.valid?
- end
+ def setup
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
+ end
- should "not be valid without token" do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
- assert_not session.valid?
- end
+ test "not be valid without a url" do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new(nil, "any-token")
+ assert_not session.valid?
+ end
+ test "not be valid without token" do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
+ assert_not session.valid?
+ end
- should "be valid with any token and any url" do
+ test "be valid with any token and any url" do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token")
+ assert session.valid?
+ end
+ test "not raise error without params" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token")
- assert session.valid?
+ end
- should "ignore everything but the subdomain in the shop" do
- assert_equal "https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin", ShopifyAPI::Session.new("http://user:pass@testshop.notshopify.net/path", "any-token").site
- end
+ test "ignore everything but the subdomain in the shop" do
+ assert_equal "https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin", ShopifyAPI::Session.new("http://user:pass@testshop.notshopify.net/path", "any-token").site
+ end
- should "append the myshopify domain if not given" do
- assert_equal "https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin", ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop", "any-token").site
- end
+ test "append the myshopify domain if not given" do
+ assert_equal "https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin", ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop", "any-token").site
+ end
- should "not raise error without params" do
- assert_nothing_raised do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token")
- end
+ test "not raise error without params" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token")
+ end
- should "raise error if params passed but signature omitted" do
- assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
- session.request_token({'code' => 'any-code'})
- end
+ test "raise error if params passed but signature omitted" do
+ assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
+ session.request_token({'code' => 'any-code'})
+ end
- should "setup api_key and secret for all sessions" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My test key", :secret => "My test secret")
- assert_equal "My test key", ShopifyAPI::Session.api_key
- assert_equal "My test secret", ShopifyAPI::Session.secret
- end
+ test "setup api_key and secret for all sessions" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My test key", :secret => "My test secret")
+ assert_equal "My test key", ShopifyAPI::Session.api_key
+ assert_equal "My test secret", ShopifyAPI::Session.secret
+ end
- should "use 'https' protocol by default for all sessions" do
- assert_equal 'https', ShopifyAPI::Session.protocol
- end
+ test "use 'https' protocol by default for all sessions" do
+ assert_equal 'https', ShopifyAPI::Session.protocol
+ end
- should "#temp reset ShopifyAPI::Base.site to original value" do
+ test "#temp reset ShopifyAPI::Base.site to original value" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "key", :secret => "secret")
- session1 = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop.myshopify.com', 'token1')
- ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session1)
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "key", :secret => "secret")
+ session1 = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop.myshopify.com', 'token1')
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session1)
- ShopifyAPI::Session.temp("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token") {
- @assigned_site = ShopifyAPI::Base.site
- }
- assert_equal 'https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin', @assigned_site.to_s
- assert_equal 'https://fakeshop.myshopify.com/admin', ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
- end
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.temp("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token") {
+ @assigned_site = ShopifyAPI::Base.site
+ }
+ assert_equal 'https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin', @assigned_site.to_s
+ assert_equal 'https://fakeshop.myshopify.com/admin', ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
+ end
- should "create_permission_url returns correct url with single scope no redirect uri" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
- scope = ["write_products"]
- permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
- assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=write_products", permission_url
- end
+ test "create_permission_url returns correct url with single scope no redirect uri" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
+ scope = ["write_products"]
+ permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
+ assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=write_products", permission_url
+ end
- should "create_permission_url returns correct url with single scope and redirect uri" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
- scope = ["write_products"]
- permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope, "http://my_redirect_uri.com")
- assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=write_products&redirect_uri=http://my_redirect_uri.com", permission_url
- end
+ test "create_permission_url returns correct url with single scope and redirect uri" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
+ scope = ["write_products"]
+ permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope, "http://my_redirect_uri.com")
+ assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=write_products&redirect_uri=http://my_redirect_uri.com", permission_url
+ end
- should "create_permission_url returns correct url with dual scope no redirect uri" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
- scope = ["write_products","write_customers"]
- permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
- assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=write_products,write_customers", permission_url
- end
+ test "create_permission_url returns correct url with dual scope no redirect uri" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
+ scope = ["write_products","write_customers"]
+ permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
+ assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=write_products,write_customers", permission_url
+ end
- should "create_permission_url returns correct url with no scope no redirect uri" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
- scope = []
- permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
- assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=", permission_url
- end
+ test "create_permission_url returns correct url with no scope no redirect uri" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My_test_key", :secret => "My test secret")
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
+ scope = []
+ permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
+ assert_equal "https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/authorize?client_id=My_test_key&scope=", permission_url
+ end
- should "raise exception if code invalid in request token" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My test key", :secret => "My test secret")
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
- fake nil, :url => 'https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/access_token',:method => :post, :status => 404, :body => '{"error" : "invalid_request"}'
- assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
- session.request_token(params={:code => "bad-code"})
- end
- assert_equal false, session.valid?
+ test "raise exception if code invalid in request token" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "My test key", :secret => "My test secret")
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('http://localhost.myshopify.com')
+ fake nil, :url => 'https://localhost.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/access_token',:method => :post, :status => 404, :body => '{"error" : "invalid_request"}'
+ assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
+ session.request_token(params={:code => "bad-code"})
+ assert_equal false, session.valid?
+ end
- should "myshopify_domain supports non-standard ports" do
- begin
- ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "key", :secret => "secret", :myshopify_domain => 'localhost', port: '3000')
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop.localhost:3000', 'token1')
- ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session)
- assert_equal 'https://fakeshop.localhost:3000/admin', ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop', 'token1')
- ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session)
- assert_equal 'https://fakeshop.localhost:3000/admin', ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
- ensure
- ShopifyAPI::Session.myshopify_domain = "myshopify.com"
- ShopifyAPI::Session.port = nil
- end
- end
+ test "#temp reset ShopifyAPI::Base.site to original value when using a non-standard port" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "key", :secret => "secret")
+ session1 = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop.myshopify.com:3000', 'token1')
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session1)
+ end
- should "return site for session" do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token")
- assert_equal "https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin", session.site
- end
+ test "myshopify_domain supports non-standard ports" do
+ begin
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.setup(:api_key => "key", :secret => "secret", :myshopify_domain => 'localhost', port: '3000')
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop.localhost:3000', 'token1')
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session)
+ assert_equal 'https://fakeshop.localhost:3000/admin', ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
- should "return_token_if_signature_is_valid" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
- params = {:code => 'any-code', :timestamp => Time.now}
- sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
- signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
- fake nil, :url => 'https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/access_token',:method => :post, :body => '{"access_token" : "any-token"}'
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
- token = session.request_token(params.merge(:hmac => signature))
- assert_equal "any-token", token
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('fakeshop', 'token1')
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.activate_session(session)
+ assert_equal 'https://fakeshop.localhost:3000/admin', ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
+ ensure
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.myshopify_domain = "myshopify.com"
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.port = nil
+ end
- should "raise error if signature does not match expected" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
- params = {:code => "any-code", :timestamp => Time.now}
- sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
- signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
- params[:foo] = 'world'
- assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
- session.request_token(params.merge(:hmac => signature))
- end
- end
+ test "return site for session" do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com", "any-token")
+ assert_equal "https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin", session.site
+ end
- should "raise error if timestamp is too old" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
- params = {:code => "any-code", :timestamp => Time.now - 2.days}
- sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
- signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
- params[:foo] = 'world'
- assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
- session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
- session.request_token(params.merge(:hmac => signature))
- end
- end
+ test "return_token_if_signature_is_valid" do
+ params = {:code => 'any-code', :timestamp => Time.now}
+ sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
+ signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
+ fake nil, :url => 'https://testshop.myshopify.com/admin/oauth/access_token',:method => :post, :body => '{"access_token" : "any-token"}'
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
+ token = session.request_token(params.merge(:hmac => signature))
+ assert_equal "any-token", token
+ end
- should "return true when the signature is valid and the keys of params are strings" do
- now = Time.now
- params = {"code" => "any-code", "timestamp" => now}
- sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
- signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
- params = {"code" => "any-code", "timestamp" => now, "hmac" => signature}
+ test "raise error if signature does not match expected" do
+ params = {:code => "any-code", :timestamp => Time.now}
+ sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
+ signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
+ params[:foo] = 'world'
+ assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
+ session.request_token(params.merge(:hmac => signature))
+ end
+ end
- assert_equal true, ShopifyAPI::Session.validate_signature(params)
+ test "raise error if timestamp is too old" do
+ params = {:code => "any-code", :timestamp => Time.now - 2.days}
+ sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
+ signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
+ params[:foo] = 'world'
+ assert_raises(ShopifyAPI::ValidationException) do
+ session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("testshop.myshopify.com")
+ session.request_token(params.merge(:hmac => signature))
+ end
- should "return true when validating signature of params with ampersand and equal sign characters" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
- params = {'a' => '1&b=2', 'c=3&d' => '4'}
- to_sign = "a=1%26b=2&c%3D3%26d=4"
- params['hmac'] = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, to_sign)
+ test "return true when the signature is valid and the keys of params are strings" do
+ now = Time.now
+ params = {"code" => "any-code", "timestamp" => now}
+ sorted_params = make_sorted_params(params)
+ signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, sorted_params)
+ params = {"code" => "any-code", "timestamp" => now, "hmac" => signature}
+ end
- assert_equal true, ShopifyAPI::Session.validate_signature(params)
- end
+ test "return true when validating signature of params with ampersand and equal sign characters" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
+ params = {'a' => '1&b=2', 'c=3&d' => '4'}
+ to_sign = "a=1%26b=2&c%3D3%26d=4"
+ params['hmac'] = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, to_sign)
- test "return true when validating signature of params with percent sign characters" do
- ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
- params = {'a%3D1%26b' => '2%26c%3D3'}
- to_sign = "a%253D1%2526b=2%2526c%253D3"
- params['hmac'] = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, to_sign)
+ assert_equal true, ShopifyAPI::Session.validate_signature(params)
+ end
- assert_equal true, ShopifyAPI::Session.validate_signature(params)
- end
+ test "return true when validating signature of params with percent sign characters" do
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.secret = 'secret'
+ params = {'a%3D1%26b' => '2%26c%3D3'}
+ to_sign = "a%253D1%2526b=2%2526c%253D3"
+ params['hmac'] = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256'), ShopifyAPI::Session.secret, to_sign)
- private
+ assert_equal true, ShopifyAPI::Session.validate_signature(params)
+ end
- def make_sorted_params(params)
- sorted_params = params.with_indifferent_access.except(:signature, :hmac, :action, :controller).collect{|k,v|"#{k}=#{v}"}.sort.join('&')
- end
+ private
+ def make_sorted_params(params)
+ sorted_params = params.with_indifferent_access.except(:signature, :hmac, :action, :controller).collect{|k,v|"#{k}=#{v}"}.sort.join('&')