@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+module ShopifyAPI
+ module Limits
+ def self.included(klass)
+ klass.send(:extend, ClassMethods)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Takes form num_requests_executed/max_requests
+ # Eg: 101/3000
+ :global => 'http_x_shopify_api_call_limit',
+ :shop => 'http_x_shopify_shop_api_call_limit'
+ }
+ ##
+ # How many more API calls can I make?
+ # @return {Integer}
+ #
+ def credit_left
+ shop = credit_limit(:shop) - credit_used(:shop)
+ global = credit_limit(:global) - credit_used(:global)
+ shop < global ? shop : global
+ end
+ alias_method :available_calls, :credit_left
+ ##
+ # Have I reached my API call limit?
+ # @return {Boolean}
+ #
+ def credit_maxed?
+ credit_left <= 0
+ end
+ alias_method :maxed?, :credit_maxed?
+ ##
+ # How many total API calls can I make?
+ # NOTE: subtracting 1 from credit_limit because I think ShopifyAPI cuts off at 299/2999 or shop/global limits.
+ # @param {Symbol} scope [:shop|:global]
+ # @return {Integer}
+ #
+ def credit_limit(scope=:shop)
+ @api_credit_limit ||= {}
+ @api_credit_limit[scope] ||= api_credit_limit_param(scope).pop.to_i - 1
+ end
+ alias_method :call_limit, :credit_limit
+ ##
+ # How many API calls have I made?
+ # @param {Symbol} scope [:shop|:global]
+ # @return {Integer}
+ #
+ def credit_used(scope=:shop)
+ api_credit_limit_param(scope).shift.to_i
+ end
+ alias_method :call_count, :credit_used
+ ##
+ # @return {HTTPResonse}
+ #
+ def response
+ Shop.current unless ShopifyAPI::Base.connection.response
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.connection.response
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # @return {Array}
+ #
+ def api_credit_limit_param(scope)
+ response[CREDIT_LIMIT_HEADER_PARAM[scope]].split('/')
+ end
+ end
+ end