@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ShopifyAPI uses ActiveResource to communicate with the REST web service. ActiveR
shop_url = "https://#{API_KEY}:#{PASSWORD}@SHOP_NAME.myshopify.com/admin"
ShopifyAPI::Base.site = shop_url
- That's it you're done, skip to step 7 and start using the API!
+ That's it, you're done, skip to step 7 and start using the API!
For a partner app you will need to supply two parameters to the Session class before you instantiate it:
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ ShopifyAPI uses ActiveResource to communicate with the REST web service. ActiveR
session = ShopifyAPI::Session.new("SHOP_NAME.myshopify.com")
- Then call:
+ Then call:
scope = ["write_products"]
permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope)
- or if you want a custom redirect_uri:
+ or if you want a custom redirect_uri:
permission_url = session.create_permission_url(scope, "https://my_redirect_uri.com")
@@ -111,18 +111,18 @@ ShopifyAPI uses ActiveResource to communicate with the REST web service. ActiveR
products = ShopifyAPI::Session.temp("SHOP_NAME.myshopify.com", token) { ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all) }
-8. If you want to work with another shop, you'll first need to clear the session::
+8. If you want to work with another shop, you'll first need to clear the session:
=== Console
-This package also includes the `shopify` executable to make it easy to open up an interactive console to use the API with a shop.
+This package also includes the +shopify+ executable to make it easy to open up an interactive console to use the API with a shop.
1. Obtain a private API key and password to use with your shop (step 2 in "Getting Started")
-2. Use the `shopify` script to save the credentials for the shop to quickly log in.
+2. Use the +shopify+ script to save the credentials for the shop to quickly log in.
shopify add yourshopname