@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ module ShopifyAPI
class Session
- cattr_accessor :api_key
- cattr_accessor :secret
- cattr_accessor :protocol
+ cattr_accessor :api_key, :secret, :protocol, :myshopify_domain, :port
self.protocol = 'https'
+ self.myshopify_domain = 'myshopify.com'
attr_accessor :url, :token, :name
@@ -21,12 +20,9 @@ module ShopifyAPI
def temp(domain, token, &block)
session = new(domain, token)
- begin
- original_domain = host_with_port(ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s)
- rescue URI::InvalidURIError
- end
- original_token = ShopifyAPI::Base.headers['X-Shopify-Access-Token']
- original_session = new(original_domain, original_token)
+ original_site = ShopifyAPI::Base.site.to_s
+ original_token = ShopifyAPI::Base.headers['X-Shopify-Access-Token']
+ original_session = new(original_site, original_token)
@@ -38,8 +34,19 @@ module ShopifyAPI
def prepare_url(url)
return nil if url.blank?
- url.gsub!(/https?:\/\//, '') # remove http:// or https://
- url.concat(".myshopify.com") unless url.include?('.') # extend url to myshopify.com if no host is given
+ # remove http:// or https://
+ url = url.strip.gsub(/\Ahttps?:\/\//, '')
+ # extract host, removing any username, password or path
+ shop = URI.parse("https://#{url}").host
+ # extract subdomain of .myshopify.com
+ if idx = shop.index(".")
+ shop = shop.slice(0, idx)
+ end
+ return nil if shop.empty?
+ shop = "#{shop}.#{myshopify_domain}"
+ port ? "#{shop}:#{port}" : shop
+ rescue URI::InvalidURIError
+ nil
def validate_signature(params)
@@ -49,29 +56,17 @@ module ShopifyAPI
sorted_params = params.except(:signature, :hmac, :action, :controller).collect{|k,v|"#{k}=#{v}"}.sort.join('&')
OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(), secret, sorted_params) == signature
- def host_with_port(site)
- parsed_site = URI.parse(site)
- host = parsed_site.host or return
- port = parsed_site.port
- if (protocol == 'http' && port == 80) || (protocol == 'https' && port == 443)
- host
- else
- "#{host}:#{port}"
- end
- end
def initialize(url, token = nil)
- self.url, self.token = url, token
- self.class.prepare_url(self.url)
+ self.url = self.class.prepare_url(url)
+ self.token = token
def create_permission_url(scope, redirect_uri = nil)
params = {:client_id => api_key, :scope => scope.join(',')}
params[:redirect_uri] = redirect_uri if redirect_uri
- "#{protocol}://#{url}/admin/oauth/authorize?#{parameterize(params)}"
+ "#{site}/oauth/authorize?#{parameterize(params)}"
def request_token(params)