@@ -87,10 +87,40 @@ module ShopifyAPI
attr_accessor :url, :token, :name
attr_accessor :url, :token, :name
- def self.setup(params)
- params.each { |k,value| send("#{k}=", value) }
- end
+ class << self
+ def setup(params)
+ params.each { |k,value| send("#{k}=", value) }
+ end
+ def temp(domain, token, &block)
+ ShopifyAPI::Session.new(domain, token).temp { yield }
+ end
+ def prepare_url(url)
+ return nil if url.blank?
+ url.gsub!(/https?:\/\//, '') # remove http:// or https://
+ url.concat(".myshopify.com") unless url.include?('.') # extend url to myshopify.com if no host is given
+ end
+ def validate_signature(params)
+ return false unless signature = params[:signature]
+ sorted_params = params.except(:signature, :action, :controller).collect{|k,v|"#{k}=#{v}"}.sort.join
+ Digest::MD5.hexdigest(secret + sorted_params) == signature
+ end
+ end
+ def temp(&block)
+ begin
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.site = site
+ yield
+ ensure
+ ShopifyAPI::Base.site = nil
+ end
+ end
def initialize(url, token = nil, params = nil)
def initialize(url, token = nil, params = nil)
self.url, self.token = url, token
self.url, self.token = url, token
@@ -132,17 +162,5 @@ module ShopifyAPI
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(secret + token.to_s)
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(secret + token.to_s)
- def self.prepare_url(url)
- return nil if url.blank?
- url.gsub!(/https?:\/\//, '') # remove http:// or https://
- url.concat(".myshopify.com") unless url.include?('.') # extend url to myshopify.com if no host is given
- end
- def self.validate_signature(params)
- return false unless signature = params[:signature]
- sorted_params = params.except(:signature, :action, :controller).collect{|k,v|"#{k}=#{v}"}.sort.join
- Digest::MD5.hexdigest(secret + sorted_params) == signature
- end