module Blazer module Adapters class SqlAdapter < BaseAdapter attr_reader :connection_model def initialize(data_source) super @connection_model = do def "Blazer::Connection::#{object_id}" end establish_connection(data_source.settings["url"]) if data_source.settings["url"] end end def run_statement(statement, comment) columns = [] rows = [] error = nil begin in_transaction do set_timeout(data_source.timeout) if data_source.timeout result = connection_model.connection.select_all("#{statement} /*#{comment}*/") columns = result.columns cast_method = Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 ? :type_cast : :cast_value result.rows.each do |untyped_row| rows << (result.column_types.empty? ? untyped_row : { |c, i| untyped_row[i] ? result.column_types[c].send(cast_method, untyped_row[i]) : nil }) end end rescue => e error = e.message.sub(/.+ERROR: /, "") error = Blazer::TIMEOUT_MESSAGE if Blazer::TIMEOUT_ERRORS.any? { |e| error.include?(e) } reconnect if defined?(PG::ConnectionBad) && e.is_a?(PG::ConnectionBad) end [columns, rows, error] end def tables result = data_source.run_statement(connection_model.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ["SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema IN (?) ORDER BY table_name", schemas])) end def schema result = data_source.run_statement(connection_model.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ["SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type, ordinal_position FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema IN (?) ORDER BY 1, 2", schemas])) result.rows.group_by { |r| [r[0], r[1]] }.map { |k, vs| {schema: k[0], table: k[1], columns: vs.sort_by { |v| v[4].to_i }.map { |v| {name: v[2], data_type: v[3]} }} } end def preview_statement "SELECT * FROM {table} LIMIT 10" end def reconnect connection_model.establish_connection(settings["url"]) end def cost(statement) result = explain(statement) match = /cost=\d+\.\d+..(\d+\.\d+) /.match(result) match[1] if match end def explain(statement) if postgresql? || redshift? connection_model.connection.select_all("EXPLAIN #{statement}").rows.first.first end rescue nil end def cancel(run_id) if postgresql? execute("SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid() AND query LIKE '%,run_id:#{run_id}%'") elsif redshift? first_row = connection_model.connection.select_all("SELECT pid FROM stv_recents WHERE status = 'Running' AND query LIKE '%,run_id:#{run_id}%'").first if first_row execute("CANCEL #{first_row["pid"].to_i}") end end end protected def execute(statement) connection_model.connection.execute(statement) end def postgresql? ["PostgreSQL", "PostGIS"].include?(adapter_name) end def redshift? ["Redshift"].include?(adapter_name) end def mysql? ["MySQL", "Mysql2", "Mysql2Spatial"].include?(adapter_name) end def adapter_name connection_model.connection.adapter_name end def schemas default_schema = (postgresql? || redshift?) ? "public" : connection_model.connection_config[:database] settings["schemas"] || [connection_model.connection_config[:schema] || default_schema] end def set_timeout(timeout) if postgresql? || redshift? connection_model.connection.execute("SET statement_timeout = #{timeout.to_i * 1000}") elsif mysql? connection_model.connection.execute("SET max_execution_time = #{timeout.to_i * 1000}") else raise Blazer::TimeoutNotSupported, "Timeout not supported for #{adapter_name} adapter" end end def use_transaction? settings.key?("use_transaction") ? settings["use_transaction"] : true end def in_transaction connection_model.connection_pool.with_connection do if use_transaction? connection_model.transaction do yield raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end else yield end end end end end end